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WebsiteSurvey: View Response #1,438

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Please add any further comments. A blog run by Marta Hennig - a young, 23-year-old AWF student, personal trainer, former sprinter and journalist - this is probably why her texts are written in a very accessible and non-chaotic way. Content is really addictive! Interestingly, Marta is not a "fit maniac" and, as she admits, "she does not deny herself everything". He has a very healthy approach and distance to training and being fit, he is not afraid to express his opinion, although it is not always popular and in line with current trends. In the texts he repeatedly emphasizes that in order to live a healthy life, you don't necessarily have to spend a fortune on food. On her blog we will find texts such as "How to live healthy in college" and "Healthy products in Biedronka." The recipes Marta offers are really simple to prepare and do not contain ingredients that we do not know from our traditional cuisine. If I had to find the weaknesses of the blog, it would probably only be photos of dishes in the recipes - but we know that photographing food is a very difficult art, so we forgive.

Created at 3/12/2020 4:29 PM by  
Last modified at 3/12/2020 4:29 PM by